Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Importance of Effective Communication

IMPORTANCE OF hard-hitting COMMUNICATION In this age of competition converse is the number angiotensin converting enzyme problem of the management. Competition,complexmethodsofproduction,largescaleoperationsandspecialisationinproductionfunctions selectincreasedthe splendourof converse. Without impressive conversationamanagercannot actualizehisdutieswell. intercourseisasessentialtobusiness as blood is to the gentlee body. Success of the parley outline affects the successof business. The following points will prove itsimportance in business 1.SmoothWorking of aBusiness Firm Communication is necessary for the successful smooth and unrestricted functional of anenterprise. All faceal fundamental inter accomplishment depends upon working of anenterprise. All administrationalinteraction depends upon communication. The manager co-ordinates the human and the physicalelements of an organisation into anefficient and working unit that strains common objectives. Beit an action of pu rchase or sale or production or finance it is the process of communication that guardscooperativeactionpossible.Theinternalandexternalcommunicationprocessofanorganisationdecidesthevariousactivitiestobe doandvariousobjectivestobeachieved. Communication is basic to an organisations beingness from birth of the organisation finished itscontinuing life when communication stops, organised activity ceases to exist. 2. Basis of Managerial Function Communicationplaysan of the essence(predicate)roleindischargingthevariousfunctionsofmanagement. No function of management is possible without the communication process.Itsimportance in performing the various functions is asfollowsi. Planning Planning the most important among the functions of management, occupysextensive communication among the executives and the otherwise personnel. Communication isimportant in executing a aforethought(ip) programme and then controlling the activities of thepersonnel with the help of feedback schooling. ii . boldness Organisationisthesecondimportantfunctionofmanagementwhichdecidesthevariousactivitiesofanorganisation,dividesthemintoworkableunits,delegates billet to perform the.For this purpose, communication is a must becausedifferent persons, departments and group come to sack out their powers and jurisdiction onlythrough an effective meansof communication. iii. Direction and Leadership Direction and effective attractorship requires an efficient systemof communication in an organisation. A good leader can direct or lead his subordinatesonly when an efficient system of communication is present. It brings both the leader andthe subordinates in close contact with each other and removesmisunderstanding if any. iv. Motivation An efficient system of communication enables management to swap theattitudeofthesubordinatesandtomotivate,influenceandsatisfythem. Mostoftheconflicts in business ar not basic but ar caused by misunderstood motives and ignoranceof facts. Proper and by the bye communication between the interest parties, reduces thepoints of friction and minimises thosethat inevitably arise. v. Co-ordination The present twenty-four hours big organisations, designed on the basis of specialisationand division of labour are constituted of a large number of people.In order to achieve thedesired objective, it is precise necessary to co-ordinate the efforts of labour engaged in thevariousactivitiesofproductionandtheorganisation. Co-ordinationrequires rough-cutunderstanding somewhattheorganisational goalsand themode oftheir accomplishmentandthe interrelationship between the works being performed by various individuals. vi. Control Communication aids in controlling the activities of the individuals departmentand groups. The facts standards and information arecommunicated to the concerned partiesand they perform their respective obligations according to the standards set fore in theplan. . Maximum Production at Minimum Cost every organisation aims at getting the maximum output at the lower limit cost and for thispurpose it requires an effective internal and external communication system. In the external field,and efficient communication systemhelps inimproving manopinionhavingcontactswithgovernment departments and getting market information in order to achieve theprimary goals. 4. Prompt Decision andits Implementation In order to make prompt decisions, fact collecting process is necessary. Information mustbe received before any meaningful decision and for this purpose communication is a primaryrequirement.Again toimplement thedecisioneffectively itscommunication tosubordinatesconcerned is essential. Thus, decision-making and its implementation require and effective systemof communication. 5. Building Human Relations Man is the most alert and effective factor of production and good human relations are thebasisofcooperationandindustrialpeacethatrequiresgoodworkingconditionsandwork-environment. Aswehavediscussedearliercommunicationisatw o-waytrafficwhichhelpspromotecooperationand mutualunderstanding between thetwo partners ofanorganisation.Efficientdownwardcommunicationhelpsthemanagementto assurethesubordinateswhattheorganisation wants and how it can be performed. On the other hand upward communication helpsthe players in putting their grievances and suggestions and reactions to the policies, before themanagement. 6. Job-satisfaction andGood Morale Morale is the human element that motivates a man to work in the right spirit. Goodcommunication removes the curtain raising of misunderstanding among the partiesconcerned. Workersknow what they have to do and how it creates a sense of cooperation among them.It increases themorale of the workers and each worker will have job satisfaction. 7. Avoids Illusion While passing through various stages information may be distorted by interested partiesand many create illusion and misunderstanding among persons. Illusion is the great confrontation ofcommunication. Anefficientsys temofcommunicationaimsatremovingillusionsandmisunderstanding by communicating facts and figures. 8. Contactswith out-of-doorParties Communication is essential not only for the internal management of the organisation but italso helps contacts with the outside world.Contact with outside agencies such as customers,associations,other manufacturers, advertisers,suppliers, mickleunions,researchcouncilsandinstitutions, etc. are necessary for furthering the interests of the organisation. It increases thegoodwill of the firm and helps increating a favourable public attitude towards the organisation. Steps to Make Communication trenchant In order to remove barriers to communication an open door communication polity shouldbe prepared and followed by managers at all levels.The superiors in the organisation must createand atmosphere of confidence and trust in the organisation so that the credibility gap may benarrowed down. Major efforts in this vigilance are 1. Two-way communication Theorga nisationscommunicationpolicyshouldprovideforatwo-waytrafficincommunication upwards and downwards. It brings two minds impending and improves understandingbetween the two parties the sender andthe receiver. A sound feedback system should beintroducedin the organisation so that distortion in and filtering of messages should be avoided.There shouldbe no communication gap. 2. Strengthening Communication Network The communication interlocking should be strengthened to make communication effective. Forthispurposetheprocedureofcommunicationshouldbesimplified,layersindownwardcommunication should be reduced to the minimum possible. Decentralisation and foreign mission ofauthorityshouldbeencouragedtomake informationcommunication more than efficient,throughfrequent meetings, conferences and timely dissemination of information to the subordinates. 3. PromotingParticipativeApproach

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